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About Us

Euro Arts Academy presented by Euro Arts, is an international music education institution with world-top professors teaching for music-studying young musicians in diverse campuses including Germany and South Korea all year round.

Euro Arts

Euro Arts has been internationally working in the classical music world business since 1994. And we began to organize the Euro Music Festival & Academy (EMFA) since 1998 until now, which has been recognized and acclaimed as one of internationally well-known classical music festival and academy programs.



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Euro Music Festival & Academy

Euro Music Festival & Academy (EMFA) has been held since 1998, in different cities in Europe such as Prague, Vienna, Klosterneuburg, Mainz, Leipzig, Wuppertal, Halle as well as in South Korea, organized by Euro Arts, the company which has been internationally in music business since 1994.
EMFA is composed of ACADEMY and CONCERTS. The Academy faculty is joined by world-renowned music professors and artists. Many of them also perform solo or chamber music at various concerts.
Music-studying students joined from more than 40 countries, as the participants in the ACADEMY. They have been taught through intensive individual lessons/masterclass by the highly acclaimed professors, which leads them to get trained and developed their skill and musicality.
In addition to the educational intensity, they have public performances through various concert opportunities, which are valuable experiences in building their performance career.
EMFA has reputation in the high level of the participants. Every edition, prominent young artists take part in the academy. Many of them are the prize winner in major international competitions such ARD, Queen Elisabeth, Rubinstein, Geneva, Maria Canals, Hamamatsu, Long-Thibaud, Busoni, Leeds, D
ublin, Chopin, Beethoven, Brahms, Epinal, Rostropovich, Cassado, etc.
Until now, more than 16,000 musicians(including orchestras) from all over the world have joined as professors/performing artists or participants or for orchestral performances.
EMFA has been the place for friendship and unity through mutual exchanges by music which is a universal language, as well as the place of music education for young musicians of next generation. And it has become one of the well-known international music festivals, with continuously increasing and developing.





超过 40 多个国家的音乐学生参加过欧洲艺术音乐学院音乐节。他们通过高质量的个人课程/大师课参与进修,在此期间他们的意音乐演奏技能和音乐性有了质的飞跃。除了高品质的教育项目外,参与音乐节的学院还通过还参演各大音乐会机会进行公开演出,这成为了学员们音乐演奏生涯中的宝贵经验。




到目前为止,已有超过 16000 名来自世界各地的音乐家(包括管弦乐队)参加欧洲艺术音乐学院音乐节作为教授演奏者、学员或管弦乐队登台献艺。



Euro Arts Academy 

With long-history organization of more than 27 years in international classical music world, and with one of the largest networks and connections with the best professors/world-top virtuoso artists / young-promising artists, Euro Arts established an international music education worldwide : Euro Arts Academy



© 2020 by Euro Arts Academy

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