Professor Tomasz Tomaszewski

Teaching Languages
_ English, German, Polish, Russian
Teaching Dates (2025)
_ Jul. 19 - 23 / Jul. 25 - 29
University of the Arts, Berlin
Tomasz Tomaszewski was born in Czechowice, Poland and studied at the Warsaw Music Academy under Professor Wronski.
After graduating with distinction he continued his studies at the Leningrad Conservatory under Professor Gutnikov as well as in Freiburg under Professor Marschner and attended master courses under the supervision of Druzhnin, Krysa, Fournier, Liebermann, Hiller and Szerny.
With the "Polish String Quartet" he went on extensive concert tours across Europe and Australia.
As a soloist of the "Polish Camber Orchestra" he also gave concerts in many different countries. Tomasz Tomaszewski has won numerous international competitions, has been first concert master of the Orchestra of the German Opera Berlin since 1982 and has held a professor position at the University of the Arts, Berlin (Hochschule der Kunste) since 1983.
Tomaszewski is the founder and director of the chamber orchestra "Chamber Soloists of the German Opera Berlin" which has been very busy giving concerts since 1988. He has also been in charge of the music summer courses in Giucholazy supported by the Polish Ministry for Cultural Affairs since 1988.
He is a much sought-after soloist with concerts in many European countries, Japan, China and the USA and his many recordings for radio and on compact disc show his great talent, ability and versatility.
Since 2001 he has been a professor at the University of the Arts Berlin in Germany.
Tomasz Tomaszewski hat viele zahlreiche internationale Wettbewerbe gewonnen und ist seit 1982 der 1. Konzertmeister des Orchesters der Deutschen Oper Berlin.
Tomaszewski ist Gründer und Leiter des Kammerorchesters "Kammersolisten der Deutschen Open Berlin", das seit 1988 eine intensive Konzerttätigkeit ausübt.
Seit 1988 leitet er auch die vom Polnischen Kulturministerium unterstützten Musiksommerkurse in Glucholazy.
Als Solist in vielen Ländern Europas, Japan, China und den USA kann er auf zahlreiche Rundfunkaufnahmen und Platteneinspielungen verweisen.
2001 Wurde er zum Professor an der Universität der Künste Berlin ernannt.